Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Whew!.....FINALLY a post!

Four weeks into the new school year and I am FINALLY getting a minute away from lesson plans, making new stations and centers and everything else in a teacher's life. The only thing I do not have pictures of yet are my classroom. I promise that will be in my next post (hopefully later this week).

Mrs. B (the other Junior Kindergarten teacher) and I are working together this year and will be switching our classes throughout the morning each day. Students will be in each classroom for 1 hour and 15 minutes each morning completing either: centers (free play time), stations (Integrated Learning) or workshops (Math and Language). If the learning takes place in my room on a specific day, they will have their centers in Mrs. B's room and vise-versa. We've been in school four weeks and the children have adjusted well to our schedule and LOVE switching classrooms and having four teachers. 

Below are two pictures of students completing a whole group station in my classroom during the second week of school.
Each student had a letter pinned to their back and were given a grid with letters listed on it. After they were given the directions, they were set out to figure out what letter they had on their back. Children walked around looking at their friends back and crossed off those letters and the final letter on their grid brought them to their letter. The kiddos loved this activity and we will do again throughout the year with different concepts.

We love our reading center, our fun circus tent and reading buddies!

Something else we introduce to the kids during our week is SCIENCE and SOCIAL STUDIES. I teach Science and Mrs. B teaches Social Studies. During our first Science lesson we discussed What is Science? and What is a Scientist? 
We have one student from each class dress up in a lab coat, silly glasses and carried tools used by a scientist. We then used the anchor chart (thanks to my aide, Miss V!!!) to write words relating to a scientist. Last week and today, we learned about our 5 senses. Keep a eye out for our next two weeks of science lessons. 

What is Science? and What is a Scientist?

Five Senses

I hope you're still with me.....
Stations and Workshops
Our stations incorporate Math, Language, Science and Social Studies (Integrated Learning). Workshops are twice a week. Tuesday in Mrs. B's room students have Math workshop and Friday are Language Workshops. Our themes will change each month. 
This month students are learning about the CIRCUS!
Here are some pictures during stations and workshops.

On Tuesday, we have a special visitor--Rollo the Clown! We all had a fabulous time (I think the teachers enjoyed his visit too!!)

And if you're still here...I PROMISE to update more often so you don't have so much to read/see when you come back to visit! 
PA Families...please feel free to share with your friends and family!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Busy Summer

Hello to anyone who reads my blog! I'm sorry I've been MIA for awhile. I've been working specialty camps at school for the past two weeks and have two more weeks left. I've been busy getting things together for when I can get into my classroom and set things up. 

I've been reading blogs, learning new material and how to create items in PowerPoint. Our schools hosts a Meet the Teacher Night each year and students and their families are invited to attend and tour the classroom, receive classroom information and of course, meet their new teacher! My classroom theme this year is CIRCUS (soooo excited!!!) and I created a cute Meet the Teacher Night invitation. 

Now a question: I want to print these from PowerPoint and make them 4x6 so I can mail them to my students. Any idea on how I do that? 

Even though I am busy with my camps and creating things, I will be posting as much as possible for the rest of the summer so you can see the progression of my classroom. 


Monday, July 2, 2012

July Currently

For the next four weeks (beginning next Monday), I will be teaching specialty camps at school. My first camp is The World of Eric Carle. I will be busy all week preparing fun art projects, special snacks and movement activities for this camp. I will be posting pictures of all projects next week.

Happy Monday!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I'm new to this world of blogging but I love learning! Today, my friend Lacey (check out her blog here) showed me this website (I'm sure y'all have seen it), Scrappin Doodles. First time on the website and spent $60.00. If you click on the image on the right side of my page, it'll take you there. If you purchase anything during the month of June you can use the code: JUNE2012 and receive 15% off! I am in LOVE! I can't wait to start creating stations for my classroom!

I have also seen a lot of LINKY PARTIES lately but have no clue how to do it. If you have any blogging tips, please share! I'll love you forever!

Questions of the day:
What websites do you use for clip art?
What do you use to create work for your students?

Heading to JoAnn's and Hobby Lobby to buy the fabric for my classroom bunting, tissue paper for the flowers, a reading buddies box and a frame to use in my classroom bathroom.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Most Popular

I can't help but notice a few different items that seem to be the CRAZE for classrooms this year. As many other teachers, I am jumping on the bandwagon and using these ideas in my classroom too.

(All items are from my Pinterest board: CLASSROOM)

1. Tissue paper flowers
These are so CUTE! and are great for adding detail but not too much.

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I am doing a CIRCUS theme so my flowers will be red, yellow and blue. I'm thinking I'll hang them over my reading corner.

2. Scrunchy Border Trim
Instead of using the borders from the teacher store, I've seen this idea all over lately.

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According to the sweet lady at Schoolgirl Style, she suggests keeping the same bulletin board colors throughout all boards in the room. I love this idea and will be doing it.

3. I know I said I am doing a CIRCUS theme I have noticed that a lot of teachers are moving away from the normal classroom theme and just picking accent colors. If I were to do this next year, I would do green, blue and brown as my colors.

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As you can see in this picture, she is using number one and two on my list. LOVE her classroom (and it was all put together for UNDER $25.00!!) I need her to come visit my classroom.

4. Brightly Colored Bunting
I found a great tutorial on how to make this bunting from The Inspired Apple and will be creating my own this week.

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Really like how it incorporated all colors used throughout the classroom and helps cover that unused space.

5. Covering tables with Fabric
This table looks so inviting AND you can hide supplies under the fabric so it's out of sight.

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I'll do this to one of my tables but I'm not sure what color fabric or what table.

Once I complete all of the projects above, I will post a before/after photo of my classroom.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Sorry...I've been missing!

I haven't been around since Thursday due to being on my ten-year high school reunion committee and getting it organized for this past weekends events.

Now, I am back and thinking about organizing, planning and creating things for my classroom.This week I have a lot of things I will be completing and will post pictures when I'm done.

Not sure if anyone reads this blog but I do have a question. I'm hoping to purchase a camera for my classroom next year (well my division). What is the best type of camera for money spent?

Hope y'all had a great weekend!


Thursday, June 21, 2012


Decided to begin the monthly "Currently" link up with the fabulous blog: Oh' Boy 4th Grade. Check her blog out here.

Soon I will begin creating themed items for my classroom....can you guess what my theme will be?
Red and white stripped, animals, tent, popcorn, cotton candy and MORE!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer To Do List

Here are some fun things I plan to complete over the summer to get my classroom organized for the fall!

I'll be using these on the tables during stations so students will have all supplies needed at all times.

I'll be using this for my teacher supplies. I brought in my own desk and it has no drawers (wanted more room for the kiddos).

Pinned Image
Source: Where Are We? Board
If a student arrives late and we are not in the classroom, this will help them find our class. 

And of course, I have to have something for my desk corner.

Hanging this on the wall above my desk. I am also reupholstering my chair to match (pink and gray). I (HEART) monograms!

All items above are shared on my Pinterest page.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I never thought I would have a blog but thanks to Pinterest, I've discovered numerous teaching blogs and have become so grateful for the new ideas, tips, and lessons that I have found and will be incorporating in my classroom in the fall. In August I will begin my fifth year of teaching early childhood. I have taught Pre-Kindergarten for the past four years and will begin a Junior Kindergarten program at my school. Please join me on this journey!
